Proxima Centauri is my pen name, and is also the product of my fevered imagination. Created for a story-telling project, Proxima began to take on a life of hir own as hir character was developed. "Hir?" you ask? Yes, "Hir." You see, Proxima is not exactly a HE, and not exactly a SHE. Proxima is a S/HE - a hermaphrodite! And, you're sure to notice, s/he is a centaur! Proxima Centauri - terrible pun, I know - but it honestly is NOT my fault! Hir name comes from a man who's pun (and other mental game) skills would make the bravest cringe! And just what does Proxima look like? Click on the icon, and see! This image of hir was drawn by the famous Doug Winger - Furry Artist Extrodinaire!
visitors were here since Nov. 24, 1997! |
The Last Unicorn Movie Soundtrack
In Memory of Tonka (19?? - 1996)
Miniature Mayhem - PoohBear and Dirk!
Proxima's Furry Page Furry Links and Artwork.
Proxima's "Horsing Around" Page Horse-related Links and other interesting things.
Proxima's Techy Page Computers, Electronics, Games, Robotics, etc.
Proxima's Travel Page Places to go, and how to get there.
Other Links of Interest It's amazing what's out there! Here are some of my favorites!