In Memory of Tonka (19?? - 1996)
Miniature Mayhem - PoohBear and Dirk!
The Last Unicorn Movie Soundtrack
(Updated February 12, 2008)
Zebras, zebras, and more zebras An online depository of Zebra Pictures!
Tau-Ceti's Furry Artists' Links Page. Many links to your favorite artists!
Kevin Kelm's "29% shinier" Home Page Triggur's Home Page.
Proxima's "Horsing Around" Page Horse-related Links and other interesting things.
Proxima's Techy Page Computers, Electronics, Games, Robotics, etc.
Proxima's Travel Page Places to go, and how to get there.
Other Links of Interest It's amazing what's out there! Here are some of my favorites!
Flinthoof PonyPal's Page
The prime furry newsgroup!
THE place to be if you're a Furry, or think you are!
To access FurryMUCK I reccommend
PHOCA MU* Client (for Win3.1 or Win95)
They're furry, they're funny! They're a Foxy and a Bunny! Kevin and Kell is a computer-distributed comic strip about the life of Kevin and Kell Dewclaw - a family formed by the union of a rabbit and a fox, and their children from previous marriages. A MUST READ strip for Furries - and especially furries who use computers and the Internet (Furries like YOU!) :) Click the Icon to the left to go to their main home page.
has some Furry Folk in many of their stories!
has all her authorized GIFs!
Tygger's FTP Site
The Light Bright Page Michele Light's Homepage.
Marci McAdams HomePage A local (in MY hometown) Furry Artist, Marci's artwork is a regular in HUZZAH! and many other mainstream Furry publications! More proof that we have some GREAT talent up here in Canada!
and all your other favorites are at Donna Barr's Homepage!
Fantasy Artwork.
The Art of James Bender.
for Centaur Lovers!
Idaho Bob's Hompage
The ORIGINAL (and one and only) newsletter for Centaurs!
Victor Wren's Homepage.
The Goat Shed.
has Anime and Sexy Centaurettes!
Magician Jap
Sex and Species transformations!
Sci-Fi, Sex, and Furries!
Elf Sternberg's JOURNAL series.
Proxima's Personal Pages
This FurRing site is owned by Proxima Centauri.
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